03 December 2006

A Flick... Right in the Head

I forgot I have a funny story to tell you guys. Ryan was telling me that in the middle of the night, last night... out of nowhere... I flicked Ryan right in the forehead. What the??? I totally don't remember it. Whoa, flick him in the head in my sleep. That is so jacked. Just thought you guys might get a kick out of this.

Mary- it reminded me of when you worked at that bank and that customer flicked you in the head. I can't not laugh when I think of that. What is wrong with people?


Captain Barbosa said...

Wow, rach you are jacked. I was thinking how funny would it be if over the years we had written down all of the sleep walking and talking stories. There would be a bunch and a whole lot of jackedness.

Maria Elena said...

Dude.. I am at work and I can't stop laughing!!! Rachel I wish you were right here with me, so we could laugh together... I can barely come up for air... WHOA FLICK HIM IN YOUR SLEEP!! I can imaging you right now.. and Blackman going... UGHKAY!! WHAT THE???? with this confused/my wife is rediculous look on his face!! WOW that is funny!!!