06 December 2006

FA GITAS!!! :)

I know that Hannah Listed about 99 thousand places to eat but she forgot one very important place that is very dear to my heart..... FAJITAS!!!!! or as mom calls it FA GITAS!!!!

P.S. I as well want to hug and kiss and get Rachel, Caleb, Malia, Jonah, and Maddox but my longings differ in one way... I not only want to but WILL get Christy, Justen, Rachel and Blackman! hehehe...

P.S.S.I know what you are all thinking right now... MANAGER!
Well.... SHUT IT!!!!

Love you guys!


Smith Fam said...

I want you to get me. Actually, I would love to see you "get" me. How do you "get" an adult. I want to see that. Ry and I had Fajitas last night and I was thinking of you. Yummy! Mmmmmm, queso!

MissHannah said...

How could I have forgotten Fagitas and Last Chance, I'm clearly not thinking.

Captain Barbosa said...

Can someone tell me what manager is, I seem to have forgot or no one has ever told me

Maria Elena said...

Come on Captain Barbosa.... it is code for Lesbian!!! Hahahaha