03 November 2006

Green B

Kendall calls me a Green B and I told her "you can call me your little Green B if you'll B Green" this is stupid I know, but funny. Green is a term that I like because I love nature and the outdoors. Somehow I feel closer to my creator through creation. I wonder if God designed it to be that way? When people say something is "green" it just means that it is earth friendly. The Bible tells us to be good stewards of what God has given us, I don't know the exact verse, but to me this means all things I am given. Not all people are given the same things, but all people do have this earth and life. It may not be life with the best set of circumstances, but it's life. So being "green" is taking care of the earth and life. This is a good thing not bad. A lot of people hear "green" and are skeptical and they think of crazy hippies. What's wrong with hippies at least they care about the earth, doesn't mean their gonna get everything right, but neither is the next guy. I wish crazy left wingers would stop being so radically liberal and crazy right wingers would stop being so close mindedly conservative. The only place where we can all meet, is in the middle. I think I'm a middle man, but not really it just depends on the issue or topic, sometimes I take a liberal stance and sometimes i take a conservative stance. We are all sinners and are lost without the Grace of God. We have all got to stop pointing the finger at the other guy, because as soon as we do that we've forgotten that the person we are pointing the finger at is no different from us. We are all sinners we just all stuggle with different sin. Just because my neighbor struggles with something that I don't really stuggle with doesn't mean I don't struggle with something else. I have to stop faulting him and look at the sin in my own life. God's Grace is for everyone who believes in him and if I want my neighbor to believe in God I have to show him the same Grace that God has shown me.

Anyways Go Green, I'm out.

1 comment:

Joey Garippa said...

not pointless rambaling at all bro... very meaningful and VERY true!!!